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Sunday, July 17, 2016
Reversing Type 2 Diabetes with Pure Natural Dietary Approach
You will Discover How to Reverse and consequently deal with Diabetes by Attacking the Root Cause Using A
100% Effective & Scientifically Proven Natural Dietary Approach
As a consequence, reduce the risk of diabetic complications; kidney failure, blindness, diabetic neuropathy, amputations, heart disease, e.t.c
How do you know you are diabetes or what are the symptoms of diabetes?
The following are the symptoms of diabetes:
1. Visiting the toilet to urinate for about 3-5 times between 10pm and 6am
2. Ants start gathering around your urine
3. Weight loss
4. Feeling thirsty and hungry
Note: People with family history of diabetes are highly prone to diabetes. They have high risk of diabetes. This implies that if any or most member of your family has diabetes, it is also very likely you will develop this disorder (diabetes) as you grow up.
If you are experiencing all those listed symptoms, you will need to visit the hospital or a medical laboratory for medical check up...
If your doctor or your medical Laboratory scientist reported the following:
1. Elevated fasting blood sugar
2. Urine glucose report being positive
3. 2 hours postprandial result being out of range.
Based on these three reports and according to WHO guidelines, this is a clear picture of no other thing but Type 2 diabetes.
I am so sure that on hearing this, you will be so perplexed, afraid and discourage.
The doctor knowing this will also encourage you by telling you that there are drugs that will help you manage it effectively. He will further add that there is no CURE to it.
You might want to ask, what is this diabetes all about?
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that happens when your body cannot produce enough insulin to help with your glucose movement into the body cells where it is needed. It implies that:
1. You can’t produce enough insulin in your body system to convert the glucose in your blood for optimum cellular benefit
2. You risk having all the complications associated with diabetes like: kidney problem, eye problem, erectile dysfunction, stroke, e.t.c
3. You always have to think about what food to eat and be placed on restricted diet.
4. You have to deal with the side effect of those medications that you are presently taking just to stay alive.
5. You will be putting on weight as a result of the medication that you are on and weight gain itself is an additional problem.
However, don’t give up; don’t lose hope, Thousands of People Like you Have
Effectively Reversed their Diabetic Condition!
And while modern medicine is failing miserably to stop diabetes and to save patients' lives, this new approach is achieving 100% success in getting patients completely OFF diabetes medicines and related drugs, and back to a healthy, normal life.
This groundbreaking protocol is the only internationally certified and proven holistic system that I know for reversing diabetes and pre-diabetes.
And chances are, you won't hear or read about this system anywhere else, because it isn't in the interest of pharmaceutical companies or medical professionals for you to know about this solution.
How is that possible, you may ask?
“I thought Diabetes was not reversible?
You’re right... at least, partially.
With conventional medicine, Diabetes will be a lifelong condition. Conventional medicine “fights” Diabetes through drugs that treat the symptoms of the disease, but never deals with the root cause of the problem.
In fact, doctors acknowledge they have no idea how to cure Diabetes.
Does that make sense to you?
Why would you therefore take drugs if doctors don't know the cure for diabetes?
Yet, people do just that for every physical condition, such as Cancer, Heart Disease, Cholesterol, Arthritis, and… Diabetes.
When millions of people around the world start experiencing the same health problems (two new cases are diagnosed every 10 seconds!) something is seriously wrong.
Something is unbalanced. And it's never an "accident".
If you really think about it…
I call it the Industrialization of Men - (lifestyle changes, nutritional gaps, fast pace of life) You might not understand this… but here is just a feel of what you might not know most especially for type 2 diabetes patients.
But before I go on, do you really know the root cause of diabetes…?
It comes from the Malfunctioning of a small organ in our body called: THE PANCREAS...
This organ is meant to produce enough insulin in our body system that helps to convert the glucose in our blood system into convertible energy that should be used for the full functioning of the body.
But when there is low production of insulin in our body…
Every other thing in the body is affected because the glucose in the blood cannot be transported appropriately to where it is needed for energy generation and cellular function within the body, which leads to high blood sugar and diabetes
Hence the reason for the recorded high statistics of death than HIV/AIDS
Is there any way around it…?
Could it be maintained or reversed…?
Medically, you will be told that there is no cure and you will have to live with it for the rest of your life.
Which to me is miserable! And this just doesn’t make any sense…
If the root cause of type 2 diabetes comes from the pancreas, then we should be able to do something to help reverse or lower the effect.
Point Noted:
Increase In Blood Sugar (Glucose)
is A Strong Indicator Of Type 2 Diabetes
That Fact Has Been Established...
No Argument about That
What do you think will happen if the blood sugar level in your body is lowered within the next few weeks of doing the exact thing I am about sharing with you.
Let me give some life testimonies:

Wouldn’t it feel wonderful to finally Get OFF your diabetes drugs
and return to a normal life again?
I assure you that you can – if you start walking this path today.
Warning: Dangerous Diabetes Drugs Don't Work Scientists have already proved it.
A large-scale study at Duke University School of Medicine and published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that despite serious risks and dangerous side effects, diabetes drugs don't live up to their claims.
Duke researchers found that the combination of the blood-pressure drug Diovan (valsartan) and the anti-diabetes drug Starlix (nateglinide) failed to reduce risk of heart attack at all.
Furthermore, according to the researchers, practically all anti-diabetic drugs result in weight gain and eventual total dependency upon insulin injections.
Lead researcher Robert Califf of the Duke study said, "This is a sobering confirmation of the need to focus on lifestyle improvements."
Also, results from the 2010 randomized ACCORD CLINICAL STUDY (a large study funded by US government) confirmed the danger of blood sugar lowering drugs: Researchers examined the risks for heart attack, stroke, and death in 10,000 diabetic patients. Those who reduced their blood sugar levels the most (to 6.0% A1C or lower-considered “great” by doctors) had a HIGHER risk of cardiovascular death and heart failure in patients with type 2 diabetes.
As blood sugar levels dropped, there were more heart attacks, and more patients died. In fact, the study had to be cancelled to protect the remaining participants. That's right, they stopped the study 18 months early because it was killing too many people!
Yet the World at large continues to pay billions of dollars annually for this types of care for diabetes, despite clear evidence that nature works better than medications.
Now here is another thing you need to know...
Most of our parents grew so old without most of the diseases that affect us now in our own generation despite the fact that medical facilities were not as developed as we have them around us now. If they were diabetic then they wouldn’t have lived that long.
Unfortunately the medical community actually knows about this but they will never consider it as something to be revealed to their clients and patients just because they need to keep making money from drug purchase and hospital income generation.
It baffles me a lot when a patient leaves the hospital after treatment and he/she is never educated on “how not to come back again” by embracing preventive measures. They seem to always be interested in seeing their patients again and again.
They lose hundreds of millions of dollars in profit when they reveal this truth!
So they will rather prefer to continue making their profit from you actually living with the disease and managing it until you die… Which is just CRUEL AND MEAN
Now, Here Comes the “Natural Supplemental” Solution to Your Type 2 Diabetes
Using one of the revolutionary plants that have been in existence for over 5000 years, there is now a way by which you can naturally lower your blood sugar level and finally help you with reversing your diabetes
And best of all they are all natural supplement that will not give you any side effect like what other medical drugs would give you.
"Note: The Wellness Pack has 5 different components and Wellness Pack is a collective name we have chosen to represent them"
This natural therapy offers a 100% natural, safe, and powerful treatment that eliminates the ROOT cause of your Diabetes.
There's nothing like this that exists anywhere else-on or off the web – and I'm honored for the opportunity to share it with you.
This pioneering remedy is the outcome of countless studies conducted over the past three decades by teams of internationally-respected scientists and diabetes' specialists, including Prof. John Mash of Corneil University, NYC. As a result, thousands of people who were in your EXACT same situation are now living symptom-free.
You Need To Decide TODAY To
Get OFF Your Drugs For Good!
This therapy will also give you healthy cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure naturally. So not only will you rid off your blood sugar, you’ll drop your risk of heart disease and stroke as well!
How can you get access to this pack? But before I tell you how to get it...
Let me tell you the 5 Vital Supplement inside this wellness pack:
4 Bottles of Aloe Vera Gel: This is a daily nutritional drink that helps to maintain the digestive system and also the energy level in your body. It also helps in balancing the immune system. It has been noted that the body cells becomes more sensitive to insulin when Aloe vera gel supplementation is regular.
Recent evidences suppot the theory that aloe vera can lower both blood sugar and cholesterol – in people with type-2 diabetes. In a two-month study, published in 2012 in Planta Medica, researchers treated diabetic patients with 300 mg. of aloe vera extract, in capsule form – every 12 hours, and found that aloe was significantly superior to placebo in reducing blood sugar levels and harmful LDL cholesterol, with no adverse effects reported.
Blue Shield Complementary and Alternative Health concurs that aloe vera has been shown to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels in both animal and human studies, and lists the usual dosage of aloe vera juice as 5 to 15 ml., taken twice a day.
1 Bottle of ImmuBlend™ is designed to support immune system function by addressing all aspects of the immune system from its first line of defense to its last.
This exclusive formula addresses all aspects of immune system function, providing both foundational nutrients required for a healthy immune system and natural botanicals that work synergistically to support immune function
1 Bottle of Fields of Greens: With Today's busy lifestyles, and convenience of fast food, we all too often neglect fresh, green foods. This Natural supplement is so powerful as it contains Chromium Piconilate which is very very essential and necessary for glucose metabolism as it helps with insulin efficiency and uptake by the body cells.
2 Bottles of Garlic-thyme: the two powerful antioxidants found in Garlic-Thyme®, combine to create a great tool in maintaining good health. When garlic is cut or crushed, enzymes react to produce a powerful immune-enhancing agent. Studies have shown that garlic’s other ingredients help the metabolism convert fats to energy and protect the body against free radicals.
Thyme contains saponins and other beneficial antioxidant substances.
• Powerful antioxidant
• Helps protect the body against free radicals
• Helps support the conversion of fats to energy
1 Bottles of Garcinia Plus®: It contains a natural substance, hydroxycitric acid (HCA) derived from the dried rind of the fruit of the Malabar Tamarind. (Garcinia cambogia). Some research has also suggested that weight management is not the only benefit of taking this type of supplement for an individual. Because decreased weight can help to reduce one’s blood pressure and sugar levels, it can only be assumed that simply by losing weight with Garcinia Cambogia it can benefit a diabetic, or anyone who has problems with blood-glucose levels.
Additionally, because research indicates that Garcinia Cambogia also seems to reduce the rate at which glucose is absorbed into the intestines after eating it can help to decrease blood-sugar levels. This is an indication that this particular supplement can improve glucose metabolism, which is often a goal that is associated with patients who have diabetes ad are attempting to get it under control
Active Probiotic works primarily in the colon where it assists with the process of food digestion, helping to release nutrients for absorption, and contributes positively to normal human growth and development by helping to maintain a balanced and healthy body.
In the experiments researchers discovered that using a pill containing common bacteria found in the human gut can shift the control of glucose levels from the pancreas to the upper intestine.
It is believed that this “rewiring” of the body has revolutionized treatment for diabetes - both Types 1 and 2 - and offers the possibility of a cure. Active Probiotic is not also a manufactured probiotic which looses over 70% of its potency before getting to the human digestive tract.
This provides the essential fatty acids needed for body development and health of the eyes and brain, and can support proper joint function. Arctic Sea is so powerful as it also helps your body deal effectively with cholesterol accumulation in the body.
Nowadays it is very difficult to find the appropriate amount of essential fatty acids in the daily food consumption. Some fishes – cold-water fatty fishes in particular – are rich in two forms of Omega-3 fatty acids which is important helps to maintain healthy cardiovascular system. These are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). EPA and DHA are in limited supply and only found in any real quantities in oily fish and fish oil supplements.
Arctic Sea contains optimal amount of DHA and EPA fatty acids (more than 33%), that provides the balance of fatty acids required every day.
You will have Access to a SPECIAL Whatsapp group created by our Health professionals; Biochemist, Doctors, Fitness Coach & Health researchers who will be available to help, guide and support you with Free consultation for the next 30 days. Meaning that you will have the chance of asking those questions directly and you will get professional advice from them.
Now, using the combination inside the Wellness pack, you will notice changes in your blood sugar level which help reduce the effect of being diabetic…
As you start to use it, you will start noticing changes in your body system and you will also be astonished at how far you would have gone in helping to rid yourself of diabetes.
And overtime, you will literally have to stop taking those medications as this natural supplement will be performing way better than the industrial chemically produced synthetic drugs. This Supplement has no side effect.
The product has the prestigious Kosher Seal (which makes it acceptable to the Jews. The Jews don’t take anything that isn’t 100% natural. Infact, they don’t even take bread with yeast! They believe in no additives.
It also has other seals including the Halal and Islamic seals.
(These are Seals of highest form of purity including our own NAFDAC in Nigeria).
“Ok, Oga Biochemist, I’m Convinced! But How Much is This Going To Cost Me To Get the wellness Pack delivered to me at my doorstep?”
Before we even talk about the cost, let me ask you this...have you ever taken time to think about it?... if you finally grab this Most Effective, result oriented Natural Supplement therapy and you are finally able to......live without your drugs over time…
I want you to consider the value of what you are getting. It will save you lots of time and efforts and will finally put a smile on your face.
But wait.... See More Testimony From Some Of Our Clients below:
I have spent a huge amount of time and money when I was researching to get you everything you need PLUS my personal experience...
That is why I'm giving you this nutritional pack at a heavily discounted Price...
New Promo Price: N59,500
To place your Order for these Powerful Products, you need to decide as follows:
Wellness Pack and Hypercare At a Discount.
Pay N59,500 for WellnessPack and N25,000 for Hypercare
Wellness Pack And Vitofit At a massive discount.
Pay N59,500 for WellnessPack and N18,500 for vitofit
Wellness Pack and VisionPlus at discounted.
Pay N59,500 for WellnessPack and N25,000 for Visionfit
Wellness Pack and Clean 9 at a massive discount.
Pay N59,500 for WellnessPack and N21,500 for Clean 9
Wellness Pack and JointActive at discounted price.
Pay N59,500 for WellnessPack and N25,000 for JointActive
Here Is How To Order For Your Wellness Pack
* Lagos * Ibadan * Abuja * Kano, *Kaduna * Ilesha *Uyo * Eket * Ilorin * Enugu * Akure * Ado Ekiti * Port Harcourt * Anywhere you are on planet earth
Take Advantage of this Special Offer Through Our Pay on Delivery Service if you reside in any of the above cities.
The Wellness Pack will be delivered to your choice address and you will pay our courier servicemen upon delivery. We can Deliver to Your OFFICE or HOUSE Address.
Order Your Pack Now!
Send the Following Information:
1. Your Full Name
2. Your Full House or Office Address
3. Your Choice Date Of Delivery
4. Phone Number of the Recipient
5. Your email address
Send as SMS To: 07035084498
To take advantage of this special offer, Pay CASH or Do Online/internet Transfer N45,500 into this bank accounts below and follow the instructions thereafter :
Bank Name - GTBank
Account Name –Afolami Ayorinde B
Account Number - 0036353748
After making the payment, make sure you send your payment details to me through sms to or Email or call:
07035084498 and ayorindeafolami@gmail.com
The subject of the email should be "Paid For wellnessPack"
The payment details you are to send are:
1. Your Full Name
2. Amount paid & Bank paid
3. Teller Number (No need for this if you did online transfer)
4. Date of Payment
5. Your Phone Number
6. Your email address
7. Your delivery address
As soon as your payment is confirmed from the bank, your wellness pack will be processed for delivery immediately.
PLEASE NOTE - As soon as your payment is confirmed, you will receive an SMS acknowledgment from me. Your Package will be delivered to your doorstep through a courier service within 3 working days!
My 100% No Nonsense, Iron Clad, Satisfaction Guarantee!
I am 100% confident that the wellness Pack will work for you, and I say…go ahead and get it.
You see, I can make an Iron – Clad Guarantee like this because I know it will work for you. It has changed hundreds of lives, and I know it will DEFINITELY change yours! It’s as simple as that.
So place your order today and join thousands of other people worldwide that have been able to get their own testimonies using this product pack.
So what are you waiting for?
Don't delay. Be rest assured that we are going to work with you to get your desired outcome.
Beyond just purchasing this pack from us, we will keep giving you essential tips via email and text message that will also help you manage your health condition appropriately.
Go order for your Pack right away.
Take responsibility for your health.
Yours Sincerely,
Biochemist, Health Educator & Researcher
[Call, Text, Whatsapp]
P.S. Here's the bottom line - this is on sale for a few days only at this discounted price... after this week, the price goes back to its original price. No hype, no marketing tricks, when it's gone, it's gone for good. ..You don't want to miss out on this amazing low price.
Get started now..... Order your Pack today at the promo price!

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